Decaf is Coffee

Whether you drink coffee with caffeine or without, you know the catch phrase 

We’ve all heard it a million times: Death Before Decaf.

It’s printed boldly on coffee mugs and tshirts, bumper stickers and even other bags of coffee. Black Rose Coffee doesn’t believe in any of that. 

Decaf is coffee.

The same coffee everyone else drinks, just with the caffeine removed. And that process has advanced quite a lot from the days of orange-handle diner decaf. Decaf isn’t harsh chemicals and power-washing the taste off of every bean.

At Black Rose, decaf means delicious.

Decaf means choice and diversity of flavor profile. We love decaf and strive to bring it the respect it deserves and to give you the respect you deserve as a coffee lover. 

Clemmy’s Decaf!, our first and flagship decaf coffee, comes from a nature preserve and is grown alongside the organic sugarcane used in the decaffeination process. It won Black Rose’s first competitive medal. We have our eyes on bringing you award-winning decaf after award-winning decaf. 

Caffeine isn’t responsible for coffee’s flavor, but industrial decaffeination certainly has been responsible for removing both. 

Black Rose is proud to offer coffee decaffeinated via the cutting edge Mountain Water Process. Natural process coffee beans are decaffeinated at Descamex, the first and only decaffeination facility in Latin America, in Veracruz, Mexico. A patented process utilizing a solution of coffee extract and mineral water from Pico de Orizaba, the highest volcano in North America, decaffeinates the beans to 99.9%  without additional chemicals. In fact, Descamex analyses each batch of coffee and tailors the decaffeination solution’s mineral content to each unique crop. The resulting product is a fully flavorful, natural decaf on a quality scale of the finest coffees in the world. 


Whichever Way You Roast It